2007 is almost gone. As per the calendar this year has got only 2 hours left. And that's about it. It will be 2008 - like it as 2007 one year back and so on ever since we devised and started following the Georgian Calendar or for that matter any calendar.
It's interesting isn't it? Millions gather on the times Square to watch the ball fall. We count seconds, hours minutes days weeks months years and all these constitute and measure what all we do - at which rate or @. Brings back an thought, why we needed time. Why do we race? Logically, we can't live life without the time as it stands today but what if lets hypothesize - what if there was no time?
"Chaos" - initially to start with. Al those tracking and project management tools scrapped on day one. Minutes - time-lines - deadlines will become meaningless. No Sunday or Monday - no FRIDAY either. how would we predict how many days to Christmas?
How many seconds to an hour. Chaos thats what would be around.
But why will we have this Chaos? Just because we are all so used to it we anticipate that this would be Chaos. It wasn't planned to be like this - I guess. This was all started of by us and is the result of our evolution.
Who needs time? Not US but THEM.
THEM who want to benchmark us. who want to time the rats in the maze. Who comes first? Who is the fastest ? SAD but TRUE.
The fear of the future - the uncertainty and predictability made us measure the time. The fear of the future and the very same uncertainty in some ways have made our life so difficult that we fail to realize that life is good without time also. The future can be left to itself and the past has already happened. The moment is now. Moment is today - why not but enjoy it :) Why create complicated options for ourselves.
And don't think about it. Just live it.
Happy New Year !!!