May 2, 2016

100 days of running ‪#‎100daysrunning‬

This post is updated daily (or almost daily) - the latest updates are at the TOP.

Crazy ideas require crazy people to implement them. Last year I tried running through 100 days straight in summer and I could not start at all.

This year again it caught my eye that the challenge is up again.

Following is my personal log through the journey. The chances are bleak that I would survive - primary reason being there is a probable relocation that needs to be decided upon, a surgery for mom has to be planned and my daughter keeps me hooked on to her. Let's see who wins - the runner in me or something else.

Day 14 - Ghaziabad

So far so good. I have entered that  zone when it becomes easier and the excitement starts going down. Sometimes it's really tough now a days to run but still I am surviving.

Day 7, Day 8 and Day 9 - Ghaziabad - 6/7/8-May-2016

Weekends are difficult to stick to schedule!

Somehow managed to keep my pledge and ran minimum prescribed distance on both Saturday and Sunday. Something is better than nothing! 28% done let's see how rest of the month goes.

Day 6 - Ghaziabad - 6-May-2016 

Morning Notes:  

Dipped into the pool after I guess 7-8 years and could hardly grasp my breath. I think I spent some twenty minutes but it was a real mess. It felt good though and I guess I need to repeat it couple of times before I get back to my swimming days.

Cycled to work afterwards. Let's see how much we can do in the evening. My body is feeling quiet good though I must admit.

Day 5 - Ghaziabad - 5-May-2016 - Evening Run - 2.46 Kms 

Cycled to work quiet late today. Woke up at 10 AM.
Ran a brisk 2.46 Kms and the weather was really conducive.

Here is the Garmin link

Day 4 - Ghaziabad - 4-May-2016 - Evening Run - 3 Kms

Cycled to work early

Evening Notes: 

Ran 3 Kms, dropped my pace to 7 minutes a KM and yes I am still on track. I wanted to run for sometime today and it was really pleasant.

Here is the link @Garmin.

So where do we stand?
A long way still (notice that it says 30 May instead of 31 May - and I could only set a KM goal)

Day 3 - Ghaziabad - 3-May-2016 - Evening Run - 2.7 Kms

Cycled to work early and am starting my day. Interestingly I am on fast as well today. So evening run is going to be a challenge but what's life without a challenge.

There is another appointment for mom at 3:30 PM today - hopefully I will not be driving as much as I had to yesterday.

Evening Notes: 

Again after doctor's appointment reached back home at 6 PM. I was back to running with my mask and the idea today was to stretch a bit more.

Ran 2.7 Kms and yes I am still on track.

For some strange reason I am not able to find this on my Garmin! How can this just disappear? It has happened once before - there was a power outage while the data was being transferred even though this is a mac. The data just disappeared. Will try to retrieve this somehow.

By the way it was a fast today and I was not supposed to have any salt. Dinner was just a bowl of kheer (rice porridge) and it was a real struggle.

Day 2 - Ghaziabad - 2-May-2016 - Evening Run - 2 Kms

Morning Notes:

I decided not to run the morning again next day as I want to give some time to the body to recuperate. Cycled to work as usual - started early and reached at 9:10 AM.

There is a doctor appointment at 4 PM in GK. That means I will be back around 7 PM - there should be enough time to run.

Evening Notes:

Drove for almost 3 hours in crazy traffic and there were still some signs of slow recovery. Decided to run late and stepped out post 8 PM. Tried running with my Respro mask too and I was sticking to my usual known route around Swarn Jayanti park.

Completed 2 Kms and I am still on track.

By the way, riding back home at 2:30 PM was a crazy idea! It was very hot yesterday.

Here is the link to Garmin

Day 1 - Ghaziabad - Evening Run - 1-May-2016 - 2 Kms
I was running after almost a year.

Decided to run on the familiar swarn jayanti park route - started at the corner near ATS and ran opposite to the traffic one complete loop and then one more towards the end edge - tried to keep the pace as low as possible.

Stopped at 2 KMS.

Here is the link to Garmin

Recovery notes - shin hurts a bit.

Let us see how other days go.

‪#‎100daysrunning‬ #summer #PersonalChallenge

Jan 29, 2016

MAC OS X - Android Transfer more than 4 GB Files

The requirement was straight forward to copy a 6.5 Gb file from Phone (I own a 64 GB One Plus Two) and when I tried to do the same - Android File Transfer refused !

The other options to transfer it via network were all slow and I did try shareit and Aid Droid but gave up very soon. I needed to transfer via the USB cable  as wifi would take some time and I am not a very patient types.

Google showed me that adb might be able to help and it indeed did !

By default on my OS X El Capitan (version 10.11.1) - the adb was not in path. However I knew that it would be installed since I remember that I did have android studio installed. A little more google and it pointed that it would be under 


By the way, I also added the path to my bash_profile just to make my life easier next time.

I ran the following command to copy the file from my sdcard0 to my mac. The option -p allows one to see the progress and I recommend the same if you wish to transfer huge files.

adb pull -p /storage/sdcard0/train_photos.tgz /.

That's it. 

So now you know how to Bypass the Android File Transfer 4 GB Limit !

PS: You may need to verify that the adb is able to detect your phone and enable developer options on your phone.