Jul 30, 2004

Friday Morning Blues

waiting for the weekend.....:-)

The best big thing about the friday morning is the weekend that follows. Today is planned to be boring and thats all we know about it, still the tempatation to spend the weekend sleeping overrides all of everything around. 

Have a little plan to meet friends from college, hang around a bangalore today....

To write a blog in the first thing is another way to keep urself busy. N this way looks very nice to me. Last evenbing, had the first harassing experience with an autoriksha driver when I had to pa some 90 bucks for a ride i knew wasn't worth the same.....sad but language problem in a distant land is always a problem. N the worst part is we hardly walk around or hang around with people who are kannads, so the option to inculcate a flair for kannada is even hard. Looks like will have to go the bookish way, but a book somehting like kannada through english in some n days, n then try....:D....but sometimes i really wonder how to people manage when they move for a considerable period of time in countries like france and germany, where the people really love their language or hate english.

Still waiting for the speaker known as "daddu" come over and talk to us for the whole day. Lets c how boring the daddu turns out to be.

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