Sep 14, 2005

and you bleed

There is a problem you know about.
There is a problem with your emotional self. It comes up when you love something, when you are emotionally too attached to something. And it makes you bleed and weep.
It makes you feel so sad about that you just can't think of something else.

And yes I have that problem with me.
It doesn't matter what is the centre of the problem but when something comes near or touches something which is so close to my heart I just can't breathe easy and here am now blogging sitting in front of one such problem, I just can't put my point across. I don't want someone to bog it down or to create a scene because here I am sitting thinking about it and bloddy in a bad mood cause of all this.

And bloody this thing ain't something really its work. Bloody this project.
Why do I regret it every time.
I have grown so myopic spending my hours over it, day after day.
To an extent that I take everything personally now.

Bloody bad. Makes me sad.
I can' take it now. I can't make it now.

Why am I making an emotional fool of mine. Why does it hurt so much. I am sick.
Why does work mix so much into my life.

What the fuck....:(

when will i stop being a fool.....when god kows when.
Look what I have now because of this sleepless nights, terrible headaches, am staying away from home in Singapore in that house that sux, I don't eat meals regularly..and I am not even professionally sure like what after RBS..why would some one hire me. I am losing everything still its like moths I keep pushing my self beyond limits.

Why ...why..why do I suffer all this..


firetigerx said...

I cannot provide advice or comfort, but you should know that you are not alone in the darkness.

Vagabond said...

thanks Jodie...
I know I am not alone in the darkness but it feels good to know that there is someone really outthere.

Things will change I know they will change. I will also learn.

SOme day I will also be a buddha.