Apr 25, 2007

what have we become...the power the money..corrupted souls currugated moralities

Boris Yeltsin is dead.

The great Russian leader is dead. But the fire is still burning and it will keep burning. "Russian colonialism" and "Chechenisation" never got over for mothers who lost their sons just one day when the so called peace returned in Chechania, the weeping wifes. Where are we heading Mr. Yeltsin and Mr. Putin - whats happening.

Two wars to save Russia and the answer to so called threat of Islamic militia in Chechnya's destroyed nothing but common people. Who died in this wars - common people. They say Grozny after the two wars didn't even have a single building which was not bombed. And they talk about the bombings and not the innocent soul - both Russian soldiers and the Chechen civilians - countless people killed in the conflict.

And what stands there - a warlord-in-chief Ramzan Kadyrov who is the president now.
The only difference being that now he is standing by the side of Mr Putin.

Pity our freedom.

Long live Russia.
Long live the Presidents and Politicians.
Rest In Peace - Mr. Putin.

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