Sep 6, 2007

Oracle Tip: Counting ROWS for all tables in a Schema

There are quiet a few methods to find out the count of records in the schema tables.

The most obvious one is to query USER_TABLES for a list of tables - and then append 'select count(*) from ' - save a an sql script and then run it -

Select 'Select '''||table_name||' : ''||count(*) from '||table_name||';',
to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') d, user u
from user_tables
order by table_name

Sorry, for those who don't like it.
Even I don't love it but it's OK as it kind of works.

The second option is using the package DBMS_STATS to gather statistics and then just use the table USER_TABLES and the value in the column NUM_ROWS is what will be the number of records. The same can also be used if ANALYZE TABLE is used.

The next one though is a beauty.
It's a wonderful way of generating the XML document then it parses the XML and gets the neat and clean list of the tables and the corresponding record list.

select table_name
'select count(*) c from '||table_name))
,'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) count
from user_tables;

Read this interesting article here about the query.

Personally the option to create a table and then store data into it by writing something like a PL/SQL or to save an output (as in option I) seem most boring and irritating to me.

So whats ur pick?
Any better ideas do let me know.


Anonymous said...

the snap titled "hands of God" is THE BEST in ur entire portfolio (as off now) after the "straw" and the chimp snaps.
Happy shooting!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I've been looking for something like this (the XML count) because I do it quite often. Thank you very much. ...Jim

Anonymous said...

Awesome... I had to sift through about 20 blogs to get to this one to get row count from all tables.

Thank you!

Shahbaz said...

select table_name
'select count(*) c from '||table_name))
,'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) count
from user_tables;

This query is running fine but when i ran it from dba_tables instead of user_tables it gives me error.

please explain to to fix this one

Shahbaz said...

sorted it out

Unknown said...

I executed your given script, and out put is null and no errors. pls help me how to display the result. I have oracle 11GR2 in Linux.
my requirement is to display the tables size, row count, with date and owner, tablespace. your help will be appreciated.


Unknown said...

I executed your given script, and out put is null and no errors. pls help me how to display the result. I have oracle 11GR2 in Linux.
my requirement is to display the tables size, row count, with date and owner, tablespace. your help will be appreciated.
