Jan 22, 2009

Free wheeling - Kanakpura, Madekeri, Mysore

It all started with just one call - let's ride somewhere on a Sunday Morning in Dec 2008. It took us to the McDonald's on Mysore road on just another Sunday almost 80 kms - unleashing the relationship between the Bullet Electra SS and the sibling Avenger. We spent just about 4-5 hrs on the roads most of it in the struggle to get out and in of Bangalore with the limited directional sense of Clinton and non-existing navigational skills of mine.

Nevertheless, it was an experience like the first crush..one which might not lead to anything but triggers new emotions.

Just in time, the boring Guhantara picnic turned a little boring - and the two ponies from the Bajaj stable pulsar and the avenger started rolling on the Kanakpura road and it lead to the place no one expected to go. Madekeri - another trip which just started as let's go for a ride..Sachin is amazing with his appetite for riding low on petrol and riding without a plan. First time in a day I clocked about 220 Kms in a day. The Kaveri looks beautiful near the Madekeri fishing camp but without the camera - as was without the plan - we just rolled.

Came January and the long talked about trip to Mysore with the old pals Electra and Avenger finally materialized. India has really improved a lot. The kind of highway we have between Mysore and Bangalore - felt like riding overseas except for the occasional humps which are our desi answer to stripes and the people jumping on to the highway. Still all said and done, it is an interesting ride. we stopped at the McDonald's again for brunch and then rode all the way into Mysore. It took only about 2.5 hrs for 160 Kms - too high of an average speed for our roads.

Interesting things happen on the road - the bullet got punctured on top of the Chamundi Hills :) Imagine rolling down the beast for 15 kms !! This the fun thing about life. All depends on how you approach the problem. We were comfortable waiting discovering options what can be done.

Thanks to the helpful policeman on top we finally got an Ape Auto to load the bike on. It was a fun experience to load the bike on the auto - lifting 180kg. Mysore looked beautiful from above the hill.

Next morning we rolled out to Bangalore stopped at the bird sanctuary - took some pictures enjoyed the serenity and reached bangalore back around noon. Amazingly, the experience was an entertaining one - and as unexpected not at all tiring.

Have to say it was one of the nearest getaway from Bangalore - so close yet so far.
Let's see where the wheels spin to this weekend.


Sunshine said...


Quite liked reading ur posts!


Ratnesh said...

mujhe nahi le gaye ride per.