Mar 23, 2006

changing seasons

The seasons are changing..wasn't they were supposed to be. But is it Spring coming up or is it a cold winter no one really knows. Even if people know I surely don't know this.

The first season changed when I left for India thinking that may be there would be no coming back to Singapore and here I am sitting in Singapore in a new house surfing at midnight putting my thoughts on this blog. I have not even come back, I have commited myself to stay here for another 2-3 years. Life changes and scenes change.

A few really good things happened in between those days (when I was in India) to me. My parents came over to Bangalore to visit me. Just after leaving Bangalore I got an offer to get back to Singapore and start working on a new project, which was very much identical and very much different though domain being the same..came back with old folks. Not only did I came I also brought along with me Avinash who rocks like no one else...and just by being here he as changed my life here.

Now we have a house..which we share, where we talk. Avinash reminds me of all those old days in IIT K and never makes me feel old again. The routine in the daily life has broken and has given place to this new life here and am loving it. What else do you want from a place outside India that you are amongst people who know you.

Had some time to go places in India. Avinash, me and Abhilash went to Ooty. It was a nice trip with friends like old times to a new place. Then with the parents who were visiting bangalore went to Koorg just before going to OOty. It was also a memorable trip. Had they stayed longer it would had been even better and enjoyable. But sudden demise of Tauji made them cut there visit short.

In between met frineds from college...even some from school. Feels good to talk to friends you know the best...its enjoyable and then to end it all came back with avinash to Singapore.

New job is exciting. Every day is a learning..working with a like is good.

These are better days atleast they look to me so

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