Jun 21, 2006

holics for work

Last to last week's open window made me think about what's going on in my life. Not that the exercise made me change my ways, or stimulated me to think about the problem. Rather I will say that all it conveyed and that too in a very subtle manner that I have very few friends I was frequently talking to, made me ponder that after work hours haunt me because I don't know what to do. It conveyed that there was something different in life here in Singapore. And so I thought why not spend some time away from the routine and why not question what seems so right and obvious.
Because if there is a problem then it needs to be rectified and the commitment should be the same as that for work.

"IT people do everything online". Yes I mean it. It's not surprising to find an IT person surfing web looking for swimming instruction (I have seen a frn do that) or learning online how to play a guitar (hats off to my boss). Doing a google comes up so naturally now that I can't imagine any other source of information other than internet. This however reminds me that how painful it has become now a days to surf web. Its not far off that people would be paid for searching information on internet as using google is becoming more and more difficult. But this we can discuss sometimes later also.

I tend to drift a lot and that's what happens when you are searching for something online. Oops i wanted to search about WORKAHOLISM and look what google brings...

Here are some warning signs of workaholism:
a)Your home is just another office.
b)You are hard-driving, competitive, and overly committed to your work.
c)You take office equipment with you wherever you go, even on vacations.
d)Work makes you happier than anything else in your life.
e)Sleep and playtime seem like a waste.
f)You believe that if you get the chance to do it again, you'll do it right.
g)You get restless on vacation (if you even take them) and sometimes cut them short.
h)You frequently are "problem solving" work situations in your mind, even during your "time off."
i)Friends either don't call anymore, or you can't wait to get off the phone when they do call.
i)People who love you tell you that "you have a lot of energy," are "manic," or are a "workhorse."
j)You are tired, irritable, socially isolated, and might even have physical stress symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, shortness of breath, racing heart, muscle tension, or ulcers.

If you can see yourself in most of these characteristics, you probably are a workaholic.


Am speechless...each one of these is yes in a way>.laptop goes every where with me..office is home and home is office ..what not headaches and innsomnia keeps visintg as if was sharing my bed...but is it a mere coincidence...People what about you. Dear Mr. Anonymous people say its a problem. Bosses promote this, world encourages this and then one day they say its a problem.

On the second thoughts I think people just hate whatever I start falling in love with. Thats about me how about you.....


Anonymous said...

the most fatal sympton is that your gal leaves you and runs off with somebody else!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thank GOD am single and bachelor..in every sense possible. Atleast this doesn't trouble me for now.
*takes a breath of relief*

But what about my dear friends who are not so single. Another threat.

Personal life suffering due to work is something that must not happen but in case there is no personal life then ..

Pantnagar 1997 Batch said...

Hey dobi I see you drop by the Pantnagar 07 blog now and then. I dont know if you checked it out lately but I have tried to do somethings with it. NOt much since I am not much into coding and all but visit it sometime and tell m what you think