Nov 27, 2006

how busy is busy?

No this is not like one of those regular boring thoughts that i scribble here. What am asking you who all come here to read my blogs.

How busy are you?

Because I have found my answer.

"You are only as busy as you want to pretend or as busy as you are bad at managing your time or only as busy as you want to use as an excuse."

Why I am saying so.
When was the last time I saw the sunset or the sunrise. Its been a long long time. Last time was in thailand. But its not because I am busy. I am to goddamn lazy thats all. have been sleeping all weekends for almost a month now. Yes I have not been wprking that hard lateley. Timelines are tight but its okay kind of as there is more than sufficient breathing space.

Thats why I realise that its an excuse that comes up in our heads. Thats its too hectic of a schedule. It applies to me and if I am not mistaken then the same applies to you too.


"Eureka " ask me why I am so happy.
Because now when I know the problem is there and has been identified there can be some solution to this one too.

So buddies don't worry I am going to reply you all on time. Will not wait for the leisure time to write long mails to you. I am going to call you whenever the thought comes to my mind rather than waiting till the evening.

Hope this applies to you too.
My mobile is waiting and please don't keep eternally waiting like I was doing. That one min conversation is also as good and as appreciated then the wait for that long one. We don't have much to share or talk but still the enigma and warmth in the voice is something which itself means a lot to me ..and i think same holds a special meaning for you too.



Anonymous said...

thanks God , work takes every inch of my time ...else i wudnt know wat to do!!!!!!!!!

Vagabond said...

dude/dame..there are more things in life then just work. Well can say so because have been through all this..find something that you enjoy..

but yes its also true when you start loving your work it becomes a pleasure.