Apr 30, 2006

cooking what a fine thing to do

Well people who know me might be surprised when i reveal this new development. Remember someone long ago said "Need is the mother of invention". No no I have not invented somehting but what has happened latelt ever since i came back to Singapore this feb has changed my culinary habbits and to my wonder I have discovered that I do have an above average natural falir for cooking.
Never tried it before nor wanted to do. In singapore there were little options left after eating out for almost an year. Its so obvious that so many indians living abroad start cookig themselves. We are lazy people (no offences meant for those who are not but I am talking about the gang that I have and people I know) and for me eatihg out those fries and fried chicken and burgers call it McDonalds or KFC or Burger King or Moss Burger or Pizza at Pizza Hut ( I hate those Pizzas) leads to a mental agony. a guilt that you don't exercise and don't even eat healthy food. So I opted for cooking myself and it has turned out to be such good of an experience that I don't even like to ear at those fine diing resturants.

Can you believe I did daal makhani yesterday night. It was so fucking good that I have to confess even I hadn't thought it to be so. I didn't have any idea how to do so many vegetables or pulses but I tend to have a natural talent to do it better than I would put even many chefs who cook Indian food do.

I am so happy eating stuff that I like. I am not excellent at putting how much salt and 5-105 times it goes on the wrong side, but I hardly spend less than 40 mins including the time to eat on cooking. Now the next thing i can think of is learning how to make indian cread or roti as we all call it. Eating rice doesn't come so naturally to me.

Folks come over here...may be I will cook something for us to eat. This is what may be you never expected out of me..nevermind even I didn't!!

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