Jun 29, 2012

ICU Stories - The Attendant of Bed No. 7

Let me give you a situation. Imagine this - you are 84. Your spouse is in ICU and very critical. You were a decorated officer with the armed forces. You have four sons - one is a qualified medical practioner himself in the same city. The other three are settled abroad after their respective doctorates. The doctors tell you only one thing - all that can be done is being done and hope is grim.

How will you respond.

Close your eyes. Yeah I want you to really think about your response. There is no point if you can't relate to the situation.

Let me be open and share mine. I guess I will be quiet and withdrawn. I will switch off my phone. I will not talk to anyone and ask everyone to leave me alone. I will not give up but I will face it alone and never entertain questions or thoughts like why is my spouse suffering. I might say a prayer or two. I will cry but no one will see it.

Think about your response....

Now let me tell you about uncle. I never talk to people in hospitals. However uncle smiles in a manner you just can't resist him. He talks in a polite tone. He always asks everyone how they are? He always smiles though I have seen him cry too. His love for his wife I guess makes his voice heavy but he holds his emotions so well.

He never forgets to ask me about my Dad. His politeness manner and composure surprises me every time I speak to him.

I have just one word for him Respect and I wish his wife speedy recovery. This gentlemam has touched me in a manner I guess very few ever will !

Uncle I will not be able to tell you but I really wish you were not alone. Your sons should have been by your side in this hour.


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