Jan 13, 2005


which one is better..people ask each other so many times.

My vote goes for free musik and in my little perfect shangri-la i would like to take along the softwares (for free obvioulsy) and I would love to pay for my BEERS. Now somebody can say where does this conversation pop from, all of a sudden but every thing I blog is a reflection of whats going on in my life at the time I blogged.
Found a beautiful web-site which allows you to dolwnload music for free, its not that this is for the first time that I was downloading the music but this one is good cause it was a small trick, a smart browser and a small tweaking and now I have loaads of my fav music. Though I prefer to listen to music online..this ain't too bad if I copy the same to a player :-P. But as they say everfy rose has a thorn this one comes with poor quality, only 24kbps...still something is better than nothing.

myTune:Iced_Earth's The Dark Saga - A Question of Heaven
myMood:Today was not a bad day :-P
justOneLine: Is this the life I dreamt of..What Do I want From ME

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