Feb 22, 2005

leave me alone

I have nothing to say, and even if I say there is no one to believe.
Leave me alone. Leave me alone
I can't tell you anything more why do u ask me why
U don't u know me..so please don't bother to ask me why or what or when!
am fed up lying and u won't let it go wihtout a lie..you just keep coming back for more
of all the things in the world I can't give u more..plz stop asking me !!

please let it die let me go!

I know u don't want to do any harm to me..i know you don't want me to take it otherwise..but why don't u just leave me alone, and I promise I promise that if you just do that I shall never ask you ask for more..or being me even I just ask you for it just remind me this and you don't need to give me anythign more.

Please let me breathe!! Let me be me!! Give me what does not mean nething to you..let me b me

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