Feb 23, 2005

mozilla firefox it ROCKS!!

just one more word...tiger asks IS IT? to my statement that firefox surprised the world. And I had to tell him that it was the popularity that came out of the blue.

I remember the day, when I first downloaded the FireBird browser those were the early days for firefox and it was when the development was not too much. Those days there was only one more predecissor for firefox which was called Phoenix. Am talking about the time some later months of 2003. That was the first time I was using firebird on a 533 mhz pentium celeron machine with 64 mb ram. I still remember what drove my decision to try the firebird, I didn't have enough resources on my machine to run mozilla. And firebird kept its promises.

Since that time I have been using the same browser and the only remarkable major difference in the true business was when forbes magazine acknowledged the browser as competitor to IE.

I didn't mind using the browser at that time because I was already half geek working around linux boxes and trying to hack them..jus learning how things work. I shall acknowledge that I never bothered to look into the source code because I was not a C/C++ guy but yes, I always appreciated and introduced a lot of people to the browser.

I may not be directly invloved with the development, I may not be contributing directly, but I am always in favour of an open source software and with the coming of firefox a lot of rulez have been changed. We are seeing a transition where by an open source software for the non-geeks or as the developer Ross says aptly for my mom and dad is available and this marks an open war for the people who swear with the risings walls of Bill Gate's empire.

Hail Open Source! Hail FireFox! Hail Mplayer!
Hail the Community!!

"Together we can and we shall make the difference"
And never forget what world of mouth can do...support firefox.

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