Jul 10, 2005

paki desi band

Checked out a new band...called Rungg based @ pakistan and was wondering how can the same style of bands come one after the other..bands with two or three memebers, the same stereo types sounds of the guitar and vocals. Remember there was a band called Strings some days back..this Rungg is almost like them. Atleast to me it was like Strings had released some more songs. But they say these bands are grpwing in popularity, overseas atleast that's waht Rungg said on their website www.rungg.com. Check out their donwload section, there u can find some songs and videos.

7/10 kinda stuff. Paki desi pop scene us churning some good songs. Time pass types to listen to when u are looking for alternative music.

Lest I forget, I also checked out the Buddha Bar vol.7, huh I am still not in a position to write a review about it. I don't know what the compilation aims to do, which genre to allocate it to ..its kinda hovers around the trisection of trance electronic and jazz music. Loaded it to my iPOD with great expectations but may be at first go it wasn't much appleaing. Wasted time it appears, not all good to be played preferentially unless u are too much into experimenation.

Checked out the Lamb Of god's "a reason to die" video, thats a nice band looks appealing to me. I have no more songs/ videos but it lookes appealing.

This weeks top music on my list stands here today as

a) Nymphetamine - Cradle Of Filth --amazing video pushes it to top of my list
b) Burn In Hell - Dimmu Borgir
c) A Reason to Die For -- Lamb Of God
d) Light My Fire -- Doors
e) Indra story -- Buddha Dar 5

And guess what SLIPKNOT is coming to Singapore...in August.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats an awesome video nymphetamine...
SLIPKNOT is coming to Singapore..must go n c dude..
