Jul 11, 2005

Wow what lovely astro predictions!!

For the past some time, I think almost two years now, no in fact more than that, but it ain't important how long, I have been reading the daily forecasts for TAURUS, not beacause it's my gf's sun shine (Some people do it everyday...dun know is it love or something else) but because its mine.
For the past few days the forecasts have been really good..a pleasure to read every morning; but i just wish the days should have turned to be equally good.

Lets take it day by day...wouldn't it be the best idea to do the analysis with facts n figures as engineers do :)

Monday, July 11:

That romantic roll you're on isn't going anywhere just yet, which is just the way you like it. The good news is that the person you're sighing over is on the same page -- and there isn't any bad news.

I Will leave this one open cause its only 11:31 AM till this time. Shall update this later on.

Shit I can't find the yesterday's amazing forecase and not even saturday's I deleted them to clean up my mail box.
It ain't fun ...all facts gone.

But neways I will put up the jist for the forecast, it started of on Saturday as like this is the time when some one i really like following n knowing n adoring , its time to make a move towards her coz she is also thinking on the same lines. Sunday it was like this is when it will all shower on us that is me and my lady.

But what it turned out to be I spent some 22/48 hours in office working, some 4 hrs traveling to and fro between office and home some 17 hrs sleeping and rest of the time also wasn't really great just normal times eating, cleaning up, washing clothes and blah blah blah.
There was nothing too romantic or let alone romantic some thing worth mentioning.
July 09, 2005

You've never been short on ways to express your feelings for a loved one, and today will be no different. Your mission is to let your words go and say everything that's in your heart, with no holds barred

This day I spent discovering the factand preaparing myself mentally, telling myself over n over again that this weekend also am going to work and making love to what comes for free fiesta...my work.

SO dude the bottom line is not that u shouldnot subscribe to email forecasts ..or that you shouldn't hope that they won't come true...you must not do any of those but you should religiously believe them..so that atleast once u are screwed u still have some hope and the best part when u come back to work next day..after being screwed or whatever..afte reading days forecat u again have the feeling that wow another great day has started.

So subscribe those free zodiac daily forecasts and njoy them like I do :).

just to stimulate the desire further

Tuesday, July 12

Someone you see on a daily basis hasn't just caught your eye, they've also captured your attention -- so much so that you can't seem to think about anything else. Wonderfully enough, they feel the same.


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